At the September HCCA Meeting Charles Thomas from District Department of Transportation (DDOT) presented recommendations from the Far SE II Livability Study completed in April 2011. Below is a summary of DDOT’s recommendations and community concerns.
32nd St/Alabama Ave
Because of the road geometry and proximity to Branch Ave, DDOT does not recommend a traffic light installation at the intersection. For pedestrian safety, DDOT proposed to install a rapid flash beacon. When a pedestrian wants to cross Alabama Ave SE, they will press a button that will activate the beacon. Once activated a yellow flash will alert drivers a pedestrian is in the intersection.
Here is a video of how they work (disclaimer: it's a marketing video, but this is best video to explain how it works):
Concerns: Residents are concerned that the beacons won’t slow traffic. They requested DDOT proposed solutions to slow traffic on Alabama Ave. DDOT suggests the community work with MPD to get more speed enforcement.
36th Pl/Alabama Ave
Due to the number of children hit, DDOT recommends installing a traffic light at the eastern leg of 36th Place that will work in tandem with the existing light on the western leg of 36th Place. Therefore when the light is red, pedestrians will have 4 cross walks available to cross the road. DDOT has received preliminary approval from the Federal Highway Administration.
Concerns: Residents are concerned about the aesthetics of the lights. They want a solution that improves safety around Anne Beers Elementary and the Library while enhancing the community. One resident asked if the signal at 36th Pl and 36th St can be unsynchronized so that people make the light at 36th St (St. Timonthy's) they have to stop at 36th Pl (Beers). DDOT stated they can look into it.
Naylor Road/27th and Naylor/Altamont
DDOT recommends repainting the crosswalks. They also recommend adding short islands/medians at the intersections so pedestrians have a refuge versus standing in the middle of the street.
Table of Improvements
Far SE Livaibility Study
For photos and additional description, please visit the committee website or contact the Transportation Committee Chair, Veronica O. Davis via cell (202) 695-2160 or via email