The Street Traffic and Transportation Committee accomplished a lot this year.
- Worked with other transportation advocates to bring the Circulator East of the River. Although the route isn't perfect, it's still a victory nonetheless.
- In March, we led and facilitated the Ward 7 Transportation Summit and Listening Tour, including preparing a report that was submitted to DDOT, WMATA, and the City Council.
- We arranged for the District Department of Transportation to speak at the September civic association meeting to present the recommendations from the Far SE II Livability Study. Meeting summary here.
- Facilitated the enrollment of Anne Beers ES in the Safe Routes to School Program
- Co-sponsored International Walk to School Day at Anne Beers Elementary School
- Announced the installation of sharrows on 38th Street SE. This is the FIRST bike roadway infrastructure in the community.
- Testified in support of the confirmation of Terry Bellamy as Director of DDOT
- Submitted written testimony for Department of Motor Vehicles oversight hearing.
- Submitted written testimony for FY12 budget hearings for WMATA and DDOT
- Testified in support of enforcement of bicycle and pedestrian safety on behalf of the Public Safety Committee and the Street, Traffic, and Transportation Committee
- Documented the Bike Repair clinic at Skyland sponsored by Washington Area Bicyclists Association and The Bike House
- Worked with DDOT and Commissioner Jordan to get a bikeshare station installed in Fairfax Village to connect Hillcrest via three bikeshare stations.
- Started this blog to share information. Was even able to live blog a meeting.
More to come in 2012!!!