Monday, October 15, 2012

HCCA Letter to DDOT: Pennsylvania-Minnesota Ave SE Project

Austina Casey, Project Manager
District Department of Transportation
55 M Street SE, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20003

Monday October 8, 2012

Ms. Casey:

Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments on the Pennsylvania and Minnesota (Penn-Minn) Avenues intersection project. The Hillcrest Community Civic Association believes Pennsylvania Ave SE is not only a “Great Street”, but it is America’s Main Street.

We fully support DDOT and NPS goals to: (1) enhance safety for motorists and pedestrians, (2) create a consolidated, usable park space for pedestrians and visitors, and (3) function as a catalyst for neighborhood revitalization. We would also like to ensure the following is included in the goals: (1) improve accessibility and mobility for our disabled population, (2) enhance safety for bicyclists, (3) enhance the intersection’s function as a major public transportation (bus) hub, (4) create an aesthetically pleasing gateway into Ward 7, and (5) alleviate traffic on local streets that connect both avenues.

We are not aware of any cultural or environmental resources within the project limits of the Penn-Minn intersection. We would like more information on the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed alternatives before we provide comment.

While this is the early stage of the environmental assessment process, we invite you to present at our monthly HCCA meeting, so our community can fully understand the project and provide comment on the proposed alternatives.

We look forward to continuing the dialog and being part of the process to complete the transformation of Pennsylvania Ave SE.

Karen Williams, President