Sunday, February 26, 2012

WMATA Seeks Public Input on FY13 Budget & Fare Increase

The Board is slated to act on the FY2013 budget in June, and any fare changes they adopt would take effect July 2012.

The operating budget of $1.6 billion includes a proposed $53 million (8%) increase in funding from the jurisdictions and $66 million in increased revenue from fares. The fare adjustments also are designed to simplify Metro’s fare structure and encourage the use of SmarTrip cards. The proposed $904 million capital budget includes projects that will advance NTSB recommendations, including signal system upgrades and replacement of Metro’s oldest railcars, the 1000-series fleet, with new 7000-series cars, as well as track and infrastructure projects and rehabilitation, and replacement of escalators and elevators across the system.

Details and directions for transit travel to the public sessions are available on Metro’s website. Open forums begin at 6 p.m., followed by the public hearings at 7 p.m. The hearings will take place as follows:

Thursday, March 1
Matthews Memorial Baptist Church – Hearing 571
John H. Kearney, Sr. Fellowship Hall
2616 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave., SE
Washington, DC

Tuesday, March 6
St. Columba’s Episcopal Church – Hearing 573
4201 Albemarle Street, NW
Washington, DC

How to register to speak at the public hearing

To establish a witness list for the public hearings, individuals and representatives of organizations who wish to be heard at the hearings are asked to provide in writing their name, address, telephone number and organization affiliation, if any, to Office of the Secretary, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, 600 Fifth Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20001. Alternatively, requests to speak may befaxed to 202-962-1133 or e-mailed to Please submit only one speaker’s name per letter and reference the hearing number. Lists of individual speakers will not be accepted. Others present at the hearing may be heard after people who have registered have spoken. Please note that this information may be releasable to the public under the WMATA Public Access to Records Policy (PARP). The PARP can be viewed on WMATA’s website under the link marked “Legal Affairs.” Public officials will be heard first and will be allowed five minutes each to make their presentations. All other speakers will be allowed three minutes each. Relinquishing of time by one speaker to another will not be permitted.

How to submit written comments

Written statements and exhibits may be sent to the Office of the Secretary, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, 600 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001, or e-mailed to Statements also may be faxed to 202-962-1133. Please reference the hearing number. Submissions must be received by 5 p.m. on Monday, March 12. Please note that any personal information such as name, e-mail address, address, or telephone number you provide in the statement may be releasable to the public under the WMATA Public Access to Records Policy.

Ward 7 Transportation Summit Press Hand-out

Attached is the hand-out we prepared for the Transportation Summit.

Ward7 Transportation Summit 2012_2

Saturday, February 25, 2012

SAVE THE DATE: Fort Circle Trail Clean-up

(Photo of Fort Circle Trail by Erik K.)

The HCCA Environmental Committee and Street, Traffic and Transportation Committee will be hosting a clean-up of the Fort Circle Trail.

Date: March 24, 2012
Start Time: 8:00 am
Start location: Park entrance on 28th Street SE
(between Texas Ave SE and Park Drive SE)

We’ll start by cleaning up litter around the entrance on 28th Street SE, then we will clean along the trail moving towards Pennsylvania Ave SE.

More information to come.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Ward 7 Transportation Summit Press Release

W7 Transpo Summit Press Release

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

UPDATE: Bus Stop 38th Street SE

The bus shelter on 38th Street and Pennsylvania Ave SE has light.  The STTC would like to thank everyone involved from DDOT, WMATA, and NPS who made this happen.  A special thanks to Ms. Paul from DDOT who is always an advocate and friend to our community.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Response to protest of Speed Camera on 1900 Block of Branch Ave SE

Wednesday February 8, 2012

The Hillcrest Community Civic Association (HCCA) is disheartened and disappointed by the protest of the speed camera on the 1900 block of Branch Ave SE held on February 8, 2012. Speeding along Branch Ave between Alabama Ave and Pennsylvania Ave SE has been a constant challenge due to the long stretch of roadway without any signalized intersections to slow or stop traffic. The speed camera on Branch Ave SE is the result of several years of advocacy by Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner Phillip J. Hammond (ANC 7B04), his fellow ANC 7B Commissioners, and the Hillcrest community. HCCA stood in full support of the cameras then, and we reaffirm our support today.

The mission of HCCA is to work “to enhance the quality of life and prosperity of residents, families, community organizations and institutions located within the designated geographic boundaries.” Part of fulfilling that mission is making our roadways safer for pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists. As a community, we have been actively working with DC Department of Transportation and the Metropolitan Police Department to make our streets safe by implementing traffic calming solutions such as building speed humps, installing “Stop for Pedestrian” signs, repainting crosswalks, and increasing police enforcement of traffic laws.

We understand the speed enforcement tickets can become a financial burden for repeat violators. While some frame the financial penalty as unfair and unjust, we believe the impact of speeding motorists on our quality of life is unfair and unjust. The fair and just solution for everyone, is for motorist to obey the 25 mile per hour speed limit to avoid penalties.

HCCA stands firm in our support of the speed camera on the 1900 block of Branch Ave SE. In addition, we will continue to be vocal advocates of safety enforcement in our community.

Veronica O. Davis
Street, Traffic and Transportation Committee Chair


Friday, February 3, 2012

Ward7 Transportation Summit Part II

UPDATED: 2/3/12

In March 2011, we held the first Ward 7 Transportation Summit.  It really helped the transportation advocates in the ward focus and work together. We want to continue with our successes. In Part II of the summit, we provide an update on accomplishment since the last summit, provide a follow-up on remaining items, and discuss priorities for Fiscal Year 2013.

2nd Annual Ward 7 Transportation Summit
Saturday February 25, 2012
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Dorothy Irene Height/Benning Library
Large Room
3935 Benning Road NE

Tentative Agenda
Open House/Mix& Mingle
Follow-up Q&A
Community Advocacy - How to be involved with transportation issues
Open Community Discussion
Next Steps

Social Media:
The official hashtag for the summit is #W7Moves

2011 Ward 7 Transportation Summit & Listening Tour Report 
Oversight and Budget Hearing Calendar (Check often as it is subject to change) 

Stay tuned for more information